Pro*C Oracle code
#define SIZEKEY 20 int CalculateSum(float *sum,int keyid,struct retinfo *ret) { char key[SIZEKEY+1]; /* Type equivalence key to the string external datatype.*/ EXEC SQL VAR key is string(SIZEKEY); float sumk; int failed = 0; sprintf(key,"%u",keyid); printf("Calculate sum for %s\n",key); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error("Calculate sum",&failed); EXEC SQL select sum(num) into :sumk FROM numhistory WHERE numkey = :key ; if (failed) return 0; ret->keyid = keyid; EXEC SQL select count(num) into :ret->no FROM numhistory WHERE numkey = :key ; if (failed) return 0; *sum = sumk; return 1; }Two problems require attention here while migrating to DB2.
EXEC SQL VAR key is string(SIZEKEY);DB2 Embedded SQL does not support it. All hosts variables should be enclosed in :
EXEC SQL select count(num) into :ret->no FROM numhistory WHERE numkey = :key ;DB2 does not support struct member as a host variable. So value should be firstly assigned to simple variable and secondly to struct member. So finally DB2 Embedded SQL code equivalent to Pro*C code
int CalculateSum(float *sum,int keyid,struct retinfo *ret) { struct sqlca sqlca; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char key[21]; float sumk; int no; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; int error = 0; sprintf(key,"%u",keyid); printf("Calculate sum for %s\n",key); EXEC SQL select sum(num) into :sumk FROM numhistory WHERE numkey = :key ; EVALRESULT("Calculate sum"); if (error) return 0; ret->keyid = keyid; EXEC SQL select count(num) into :no FROM numhistory WHERE numkey = :key ; EVALRESULT("Calculate num"); ret->no = no; *sum = sumk; return 1; }SP calling
Pro*C Oracle code
int CallProc(int *res,char* sou) { int failed = 0; printf("Call SP for %s\n",sou); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error("Call SP",&failed); EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN SIMPLEPROC( :res, to_number( :sou ) ); END; END-EXEC; if (failed) return 0; return 1; }DB2 supports notation EXEC SQL EXECUTE ... END-EXEC after setting "Oracle Compatibile Mode" in db2 prep invocation (example) :
db2 prep $1.sqc bindfile SQLWARN NO COMPATIBILITY_MODE ORA
Another problem is related to
SIMPLEPROC( :res, to_number( :sou ) );
DB2 does not support UDF invocation as SP parameter. So this launching sequence should be split into two : UDF invocation and consecutive SP calling.
DB2 equivalent to Pro*C code
int CallProc(int *res,char* sou) { int error = 0; struct sqlca sqlca; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char psou[100]; int number; int resp; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; printf("Call SP par=%s\n",sou); strcpy(psou,sou); EXEC SQL VALUES (TO_NUMBER(:psou)) INTO :number; EVALRESULT("Call TO_NUMBER"); if (error) return 0; EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN SIMPLEPROC( :resp, :number ); END; END-EXEC; EVALRESULT("Call SP"); if (error) return 0; *res = resp; return 1; }
UDF calling
Pro*C Oracle code
int CallFunc(int *res, int par) { int failed = 0; printf("Call Func for %u\n",par); EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error("Call UDF",&failed); EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN :res := RETPROC( :par ); END; END-EXEC; if (failed) return 0; return 1; }DB2 does not support this launching method even in Compatibility Mode. DB2 Embedded SQL equivalent
int CallFunc(int *res, int par) { int error = 0; struct sqlca sqlca; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int resp; int parp; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; printf("Call UDF par=%u\n",par); parp = par; EXEC SQL VALUES (RETPROC(:parp)) INTO :resp; EVALRESULT("Call UDF"); if (error) return 0; *res = resp; return 1; }Additional remarks
- Full source code (including makefiles and sql) can be found here.
- Next : BLOB handling