I created a simple program to migrate data from Oracle, MS/SQL and any JDBC reachable relational database to DB2 and Hive. The source code is available here.
For DB2, the program extracts data from the source database and prepares SQL script to load data to DB2 database. A script should be executed on the DB2 host machine and all extracted data should be transferred there.
For Hive, the program creates a script with Hive table declaration based on the source database and Hive script to push extracted data into Hive.
Solution description
The solution is a combination of Java program and bash script. Can be executed on Linux system.
Eclipse project for Java part can be downloaded here. The jar file containing Java code extracting data from a source database is launched in wrapping bash script, it is not accessible directly.
The solution layout:
- export.sh Main script
- export.rc Environment variables
- {db}.properties Property file referenced by CONNPROP variable in export.rc. Contains connection parameters.
- jars Directory containing jar exported from Eclipse project with Java code
- jdbc Directory containing all dependencies, particularly JDBC drivers appropriate for the database used.
- log Log directory
Configuration, export.rc file
- EXPORT_DIR Directory where extracted data are downloaded.
- LOGIR Log directory
- LOADSQL File name for load data script created by the solution
- CONNPROP Property file with JDBC connection details
# EXPORT_DIR : directory where all export file are stored EXPORT_DIR=/tmp/data # log directory LOGDIR=$PWD/log # DB2 load script created LOADSQL=$PWD/db2load.sql # connection properties CONNPROP=$PWD/oracleexp.properties #CONNPROP=$PWD/mssqlexpdb.properties #CONNPROP=$PWD/db2expdb.properties
Property file
- sourceurl
- user
- password
- drivername
- sourcedb db2, mssql, oracle. It is important to specify oracle value for Oracle database. For some reason, Oracle JDBC driver does not report properly Oracle temporary table. In order to exclude temporary tables from data extraction process, a specific Oracle catalog view is referenced.
- destdb db2 or hive. The default is db2. It is important to specify hive if data extracted is going to be consumed by Hive later on.
sourceurl=jdbc:sqlserver://win7ms:49186;databaseName=AdventureWorks2012 user=test password=secret drivername=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver sourcedb=mssql destdb=hive # Data extraction for HiveExample of property file for Oracle database
sourceurl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@rhelora:1521:hcidb user=test password=secret drivername=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver sourcedb=oracleExample of property file for DB2
sourceurl=jdbc:db2://re64:50040/HCI:retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true; user=db2inst1 password=db2inst1 drivername=com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver sourcedb=db2export.sh, main script description
./export.sh {action} parameters related to {action}
- Parameters: list of schemas
- Creates a list of tables extracted from source database and schemas. The list is stored in the table.list file. The list is later reused by extractfromlist action. The list can be reviewed and modified manually.
- Example: ./export.sh listoftables DATA ACCOUNT
- Parameters: list of tables.
- Extract data from tables specified. More than one table can be provided.
- Example: ./export extract.sh extracttable data.invoices data.lines account.customers
- No parameters
- Extract data from tables found in table.list file. The table.list file can be created by listoftable action.
- Example: extract.sh extractfromlist
- No parameters
- Extract list of schemas from a source database. The list is stored in schema.list file. This action is not connected with any other actions, can be used as a data discovery.
- Example: ./export.sh extractschemas
- No parameters
- Creates create.list script file containing Hive table CREATE commands. The table.list file contains a list of tables in source database. Look below for more details.
- Example: ./export.sh extracthivetables
- Parameters: list of tables
- Extract data from tables specified as the parameters. Data is going to be consumed by Hive later on. Important: in order to have data extracted properly destdb=hive parameter should be specified additionally in the property file.
- Example: extract.sh extracthivetable Sales.CountryRegionCurrency Sales.CreditCard Sales.Currency
- No parameters
- Extract data from all tables found in table.list file. Data are extracted in the format expected by Hive.
- Example: extract.sh extracthivefromlist
- Parameters: output file name
- Extract number of records for tables found in table.list file. CSV file is created, every line containing information related to a single table. The command can be used as a rough data migration verifier. Look below.
- Example: extract.sh extractnumberofrecords number.db2
DB2 data loader
The solution does not have any support for database schema migration. To migrate database schema use free tool IBM Database Conversion Workbench.
Exported data are downloaded to EXPORT_DIR directory (for instance /tmp/data). Together with data extraction a LOADSQL script is created with a sequence of DB2 LOAD command to load data into DB2 database. DB2 command line processor, db2, is used for data consumption. An example of LOAD command prepared
LOAD FROM /tmp/data/sales_personal_data.txt OF DEL MODIFIED BY LOBSINFILE CODEPAGE=1208 COLDEL~ ANYORDER USEDEFAULTS CHARDEL"" DELPRIORITYCHAR DUMPFILE=/tmp/data/dump/sales_personal_data.txt MESSAGES /tmp/data/msg/sales_personal_data.txt REPLACE INTO SALES.PERSONAL_DATA
Also, all LOB columns are migrated. If input table contains any LOB column, additional /tmp/data/{table name} directory is created and in this directory files containing data extracted from LOB columns are stored and LOAD command contains a clause to load LOB data from that directory.
Before starting loading process, all extracted data should be moved to the DB2 host machine, otherwise LOAD command fails.
A typical scenario for data migration from Oracle or MSSQL database to DB2
- Prepare property file containing connection data for Oracle database. The property file should contain sourcedb=oracle parameter
- Extract all schemas from Oracle database using ./export.sh extractschemas. Identify schema or schemas containing application data to be migrated.
- Extract list of tables using command ./export.sh listoftables. Verify and modify the list if necessary.
- Extract data from source database using ./export.sh exportfromlist command.
- Move extracted data and db2load.sql script to the DB2 host machine. Important: extracted data should be moved to the same directory.
- Connect to DB2 instance and execute command: db2 -tf db2load.sql
- Verify the migration using ./extract.sh extractnumberofrecords command. Look below for details.
- If necessary, repeat the process for all tables or for a single table using ./export.sh extracttable command.
For HIVE not only data migration is implemented but also schema migration. A mapping between JDBC data types and Hive data types can be checked out in Java source code. Columns not compatible with any Hive data types, for an instance LOB columns, are ignored. Because data are extracted in CSV format, it is very important that Hive data table schema is synchronized with data extracted.
A typical scenario for data migration from MSSQL to Hive.
- Prepare property file with connection data for MS/SQL database. The property file should contain destdb=hive parameter.
- Extract all schemas from MS/SQL database using ./export.sh extractschemas. Identify schema or schemas containing application data to be migrated.
- Extract list of tables using command ./export.sh listoftables. Verify and modify the list if necessary.
- Identify all schemas, create necessary databases/schemas manually in hive.
- Prepare script to create Hive tables by executing ./export.sh extracthivetables.
- Move script to Hive host machine and run beeline -f create.list command.
- Extract data from source database using ./export.sh exportfromlist command.
- Move extracted data and db2load.sql script to the DB2 host machine. Important: extracted data should be moved to the same directory.
- Load data into Hive using beeline -f db2load.sql command
- If necessary, repeat the process for all tables or for a single table using ./export.sh extracttable command.
./export.sh extractnumberofrecords action can be used as a rough verification if data migration did not fail. Assume that we have an access to DB2 instance.
- Make sure that table.list contains a list of all table to be migrated.
- Execute ./export.sh extractnumberofrecords number.oracle for Oracle source database.
- Prepare property file for DB2 connection. Modify export.rc configuration file.
- Execute ./export.sh extractnumberofrecords number.db2 for DB2 source database. The command should be executed over the same table.list file
- Execute db2 commands:
- db2 "create table oracle_table(tname varchar(2500),nor int)"
- db2 load client from $PWD/number.oracle of del MODIFIED BY COLDEL',' insert into oracle_table
- db2 "create table db2_table like oracle_table"
- db2 load client from $PWD/number.db2 of del MODIFIED BY COLDEL',' insert into db2_table
- db2 "select cast (d.tname as char(30)),d.nor as db2,o.nor as oracle from db2_table d,oracle_table o where d.tname = o.tname and d.nor != o.nor"
The last command should select all tables where number of records does not match and requiring additional concern.