Blog do projektu Open Source JavaHotel

niedziela, 31 marca 2013

Shiro and JdbcRealm

I started playing with Shiro security framework but soon got a little upset that it was not easy to learn how to setup a jdbcrealm. It took me some time to configure such a realm in the simplest possible way without introducing any new instances of additional objects. Warning: this solution is not safe because it stores credentials unsecured and should be used only for evaluation.
So I created a simple java code which allows to execute Shiro introductional tutorial and achieve the same result.
Solution (using Derby database)
shiro.ini (pay attention to the last line necessary to recognize permissions)
ds = org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource
ds.user = APP
ds.password = APP


Java code
  private static String[] dropSchema = { "DROP TABLE USERS",

    private static String[] createSchema = {

    private static String[] insertData = {
            "INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('root','secret')",
            "INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('presidentskroob','12345')",
            "INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('darkhelmet','ludicrousspeed')",
            "INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('lonestarr','vespa')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('root','admin')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('presidentskroob', 'president')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('darkhelmet','darklord')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('darkhelmet','schwartz')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('lonestarr','goodguy')",
            "INSERT INTO USER_ROLES VALUES('lonestarr','schwartz')",
            "INSERT INTO ROLES_PERMISSIONS VALUES('admin','*')",
            "INSERT INTO ROLES_PERMISSIONS VALUES('schwartz','lightsaber:*')",
            "INSERT INTO ROLES_PERMISSIONS VALUES('goodguy','winnebago:drive:eagle5')" };

    private static void executeSQL(Connection con, String[] sql)
            throws SQLException {
        for (String s : sql) {

    private static void executeSQLE(Connection con, String[] sql) {
        for (String s : sql) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {

    private static void createDB() {
        EmbeddedDataSource ds = new EmbeddedDataSource();
        Connection con = null;
        try {
            con = ds.getConnection();
            executeSQLE(con, dropSchema);
            executeSQL(con, createSchema);
            executeSQL(con, insertData);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // The easiest way to create a Shiro SecurityManager with configured
        // realms, users, roles and permissions is to use the simple INI config.
        // We'll do that by using a factory that can ingest a .ini file and
        // return a SecurityManager instance:

        // Use the shiro.ini file at the root of the classpath
        // (file: and url: prefixes load from files and urls respectively):

.................. rest of the tutorial code ..............

Byliśmy na koncerce

Dnia 21 marca 2013 byliśmy na koncercie muzyki Antona Brucknera w ramach XVII Festiwalu Wielkanocnego Ludwiga van Beethovena. Uczucia jednak mieliśmy mieszane. Te Deum, które zostało wykonane na początek, jest uważane za najważniejsze religijne dzieło muzyczne tego kompozytora. Niestety, ale nie dane nam było to uznać. Albo kompozycja jest za duża, albo sala Filharmonii Narodowej za mała. Potężne dźwięki chóru, organów, orkiestry z dominującą rolą instrumentów dętych i perkusji zdawały się rozsadzać scenę i widownię. Można było tylko współczuć słuchaczom siedzącym w pierwszych rzędach. Chór usiłował przekrzyczeć orkiestrę, a orkiestra starała się do tego nie dopuścić. A już zupełnie nie udawało się przebić solistom,w zasadzie wykonanie mogłoby się bez nich obyć.

Na szczęście główną atrakcją wieczoru była IV Symfonia i dla tego wykonania warto było kupić bilety. IV Symfonia (Romantyczna) to dzieło bardzo popularne i chętnie wykonywane, nie tylko w dorobku Brucknera ale całej muzyki dawnej. Jednak nigdy nie było nam dane słuchać tej kompozycji na żywo, a w wypadku tego utworu nawet najbardziej doskonałe nagranie nie może się jednak równać z salą koncertową. Tutaj na szczęście partii organów i chóru nie ma, zaś dyrygentowi udało się zachować równowagę między instrumentami dętymi i pozostałą częścią orkiestry. To także dzieło potężne i mocne, miejscami przytłaczające, ale wszystkie proporcje i brzmienia były utrzymane w ryzach. Słuchacze po zakończeniu zasłużenie oklaskiwali orkiestrę, a zwłaszcza muzyków grających na instrumentach dętych. Byli na pewno głównymi bohaterami tego wieczoru i bardzo słusznie dyrygent podnosił ich jako pierwszych do oklasków.

niedziela, 24 marca 2013

MVC (MVP) framework, the show must go on

MVP framewok
I created the next version of Jython/GWT MVC framework. But I would rather call it following MVP (not MVC) framework. Current demo version (Google App Engine implementation) is available here. The demo was also tested with Tomcat and Glassfish. Prerequisite: Derby database (should be available somewhere in tha class path). Instruction how to setup Eclipse project is available here. Pom.xml file (maven) will be provided later. Current state of art is described here.

General description
The general structure is presented below :

  • VIEW part. Based on GWT. Consisting of two packages. GWT UI and Jython UI. Creates UI components and interacts with PRESENTER via server Java code.
  • DTO (Data Transient Objects). Transfers data between client (browser) side and server side. It is simple Java maps and lists of maps (as rows). Java shared (shared between GWT and server code) code (the same for application data and XML metadata) is available here.
  • Server side Java code. Receiver of GWT RPC calls. Adapter between client (browser) side and PRESENTER Jython code. Transform Java maps and list to Jython data structures (dictionary and sequences) and vice versa. Source code.
  • MODEL. Jython dictionaries and sequences of dictionaries (rows). Carriers of data between application code and VIEW part. 
  • PRESENTER. Jython code, application logic. Responses to the client action, sends data to background database and extracts data. Sample application code.
  • XML metadata. Is used by VIEW to create UI widgets and objects. Sample data is available here.
Features implemented so far
  • Reading lists in pages (chunks). It is necessary for big lists (of course - it depends what one means by "big").
  • Alert and error windows messages.
  • Simple data validation at the client side (more complicated validation should be performed at the application-Jython code).
  • Additional UI widgets: date and time picker, rich text format, mulitline editing.
  • Confirmation for add/delete/change CRUD actions.
  • Custom helpers, also "select" tag.
GUI testing (additionally to JUnit tests). GUI testing is performed by Selenium extension to BoaTester. The 'selenium' best test cases are available here

Next step
Next step is to implement security: authorization and authentication. I plan to use Apache Shiro. It is simple and seems to cover all topic necessary here.

niedziela, 17 marca 2013

BoaTester, new version

I deployed new version of boatester framework. New features include changes related to 'selenium' base test cases. New source code is available here.

  1. Tested with Selenium 2.
  2. Allows launching 'selenium' test cases automatically. Previously every 'selenium' test cases required Python starter. Now it is not necessary nevertheless 'Python' started method (more flexible) is still possible and can be mingled with automatic tests.
  3. 'call' action. Run another piece of code. It allows code reusing. For instance: very often the same piece of code is executed at the beginning like: authentication or waiting for objects to be created. 
  4. 'select' action. Related to 'select' tag. For reason I do not understand 'click' does not work here. So additional command was necessary.
  5. 'waitForNot' action. Opposite to 'waitFor'. Waits until object disappears from the screen. 
Enhancement for 'call' action. Add parameters like regular procedures in programming languages. For instance: there is a more complicated piece of code to check some value. The 'value' to be checked can be a passed as a parameter just allowing using this code in different contexts.

czwartek, 7 marca 2013

DB2 Task Scheduler and web UI

DB2 Task Scheduler allows to run and maintain administrative tasks executed after the predefined schedule. "Administrative task" is nothing more then SQL Stored Procedure designed to do some job. Task scheduler is not enabled by default, in order to activate it one has to configure it manually. DB2 task scheduler is similar to Oracle DBMS_JOB package. Unlike to DMBS_JOB it does not allow to execute SQL code directly, stored procedure should be created before.
There are several DB2 routines which allows to define new task, modify or remove existing task and monitor the current task status. Unfortunately, everything should be done manually. There is no IBM tool which provides  GUI to make this task less painful. Neither IBM Data Studio nor   IBM Data Studio web console do not have any windows or view giving access to task schedule. Job manager available in IBM Data Studio web console is a different solution, it has nothing in common with native DB2 task scheduler.
So I decided to fill the gap and create my own web application covering the DB2 task scheduler.
Read readme.txt, install maven, copy and paste pom.xml file, run:
maven compile
ignore all warnings and deploy target/db2jobscheduler.war.
After launching application the following screen should appear.

The application was tested with Tomcat 7 and Glassfish.
It is an open source project created by virtue of MVC JythonUI framework. This framework has been significantly enhanced ever since.
Java source code (minimalistic) is available here. XML files defining user interface are available here. The most important part, Jython scripts containing all business logic, is available here. zxJDBC  package was used for accessing the DB2 database.
Source code structure
Java code serves only as a glue for initializing and starting the application. The development is focused on XML file describing the UI and Jython script file for business logic. It was the purpose of the JythonUI framework.

Functionality XML files (UI) Jython files (business logic)
Main menu start.xml
Adding and modifying single source list datasource.xml
Data source list connectiondef.xml
List of tasks tasklist.xml
Adding and modifying single task taskdescr.xml
Current task status taskstatus.xml
Helper for displaying a list of SP in the schema proclist.xml
Helper for list of schemas typesenum.xml
Helper encapsulating access to database
Helper encapsulating access to datasource definition
Functionality implemented

Datasource defining
Displays list of datasource available now. Allows adding, modifying and removing datasource definition.

Administrative tasks maintaining
Displays list of scheduled task. Allows adding, modifying and removing tasks.
Task status
Current status of the tasks. 
List is displayed in chunks (there could be thousands of tasks executed already). List can be filtered (display a subset only) and sorted by any attribute.

Current status of the project
It is the first version with simplistic user interface. But all functionality of DB2 task scheduler is implemented.
Future development
  • Improve user interface, help texts, direct connection to appropriate entries in DB2 Infocenter
  • Security, user authentication.
  • Encode database credentials, now password is saved as plain text.
  • User authorization, only authorized user can add new task or modify existing.
  • The same for datasource definition.
  • Make task handling more convenient for the user. "Task" in DB2 is a stored procedure. Current implementation requires defining administrative stored procedure outside application (for instance by  using IBM Data Studio) then enacting it in the task scheduler application. Add simple text editor for creating and modifying stored procedure body in the application and deploying it to the database server without leaving the application.
  • More convenient way for defining the task schedule
  • Keep and maintain task schedule off-line repository. Additional database (for instance in the shape of XML files) containing administrative stored procedure body and task header for later reuse.
  • Copy and paste tasks between databases - for instance copy task definition from test database to production database.
  • More convenient way of disabling/enabling tasks.
  • Export and import of administrative tasks. Task header and stored procedure body.