I added "dateline" (not confuse with "timeline") widget to MVP framework. The demo version is available here (click "Panel date" button at the bottom). Source code for whole solution is available here. Sample screen snapshot.
This widget can be used as a dashboard for hotel application where lines are rooms and columns are rooms availability on timeline (free, reserved, in use).
Technical description is available here.
- Buttons for navigating though time line (go to date, next day, previous day etc).
- Declaration of some visual behavior: number of lines visible, number of date columns.
- Lines customization. Dynamically created list of lines and definition of columns visible.
- Cell (line/date) customization. Dynamic definition of cell visualization via custom html. For instance: different visualization for free rooms and reserved rooms.
- Customized logic for clicking on cell. Possible to define some business logic to clicking. For instance: after clicking on the cell open a windows to start reservation of the room.
- Sorting (lines values only).
Future enhancement
- Partial refresh. Current version calls for refresh any time something has changed. Optimization is possible, for instance: in case of moving one day forward/backward refresh only one column.
- The same for lines, request data only for visible line.
- More convenient way for moving in time.
- Customized searching.