I started reading through Clojure tutorial and found very interesting implementation of calculating polynomial and its first derivative. So I decided to stretch my math muscle and perform more polynomial arithmetic in Clojure basing on this article.
I'm assuming all the time that polynomial in Clojure is a list of coefficients from left to right (like in the written form). So list [2 8 9] means 2x² + 8x + 9, [7 0 1 7] means: 7x³ + x + 7
Almost nothing more than (map + ...) function. The only problem is to expand shorter list (lower degree polynomial). Also improvement should be added to reduce the leading zeros from the result. Example:
(2x² + 8x + 9) + (-2x² + 2x + 4) = 0x² + 10x + 13
(defn addpol [pol1 pol2] ; degree of the sum polynomial (let [nsize (max (count pol1) (count pol2) ) ] ; expand polynomial to the new degree by adding 0 coefficient at the frot (defn expandpol [pol] (concat ( repeat (max 0 (- nsize (count pol))) 0 ) pol ) ) ) ; having both polynomials at the same degree just sum them (map + (expandpol pol1) (expandpol pol2)) )Subtraction
Just use the previous function and negate the subtrahend.
(defn subtractpol [minuend subtrahend] ; negate subtrahend and run summing (addpol minuend ( map #(- 0 %) subtrahend)) )Product
Multiply every coefficient of the first polynomial by every coefficient of the second polynomial. Recursion is used to iterate but this algorithm is a good candidate for loop->recur for better performance.
(defn mulpol [pol1 pol2] ( let ; level of the product [newlevel (- (+ (count pol1) (count pol2)) 1)] ; multiply polynomial by digit and add zeros at the frond and end keeping it at the degree necessary (defn muldigit [beg coeff end] (concat (repeat beg 0) (map #(* % coeff) pol2) (repeat end 0)) ) ; recursive as replacement for iteration (defn muladd ; 'beg' number of left zeros ; 'currentsum' list of coefficient multiplications peformed so far ; 'restpol1' list of coefficients not used yet ; 'end' number of right zeros [beg currentsum restpol1 end] (condp = restpol1 ; end of recursion [] currentsum ; multiply and move to the next digit ( map + currentsum (muladd (+ beg 1) (muldigit beg (first restpol1) end) (rest restpol1) (- end 1) ) ) ) ) ; start of the recursion ( muladd 0 (repeat newlevel 0) pol1 (- newlevel (count pol2))) ) )Division
Is more complicated because two results are expected: quotient and remainder. So to bring the result a map is used. Polynomial long division is implemented as easier. This function should be expanded to exclude division by zero (empty divisor) and reduce leading zeros from divisor. Example: (0 4 5)
; returns a map with two keys :quotient and :remainder (defn divpol [divident divisor] ; perform (lead(r)/lead(divisor)) * divisor (defn multerm [r resdiv] (concat (map #(* resdiv %) divisor) (repeat (- (count r) (count divisor)) 0)) ) ; recursive (defn div [mapd] ( let [ q (get mapd :quotient) r (get mapd :remainder) dv (/ (first r) (first divisor)) ] ; end of recursion, pass down the result (if (or (< (count r) (count divisor)) (empty? r)) mapd ; pull down the next digit from divident (div ( hash-map :quotient (conj q dv) :remainder (rest (map - r (multerm r dv))) ) ) ) ) ) ; beginning of the recursion (div ( hash-map :quotient [], :remainder divident)) )
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